Monday, January 12, 2009

it's been awhile!

First of all, the internet at my house STILL doesn't work!! What the hell! I don't know what the deal is! It worked when they hooked it up, but the next day I had nothin! So that is one reason for my lack of posting!

The other is b/c we just got back yesterday from our week long cruise to the Caribbean!! It was awesome! We had a blast! We met a bunch of cool ppl that were from Jersey to Puerto Rico to Canada, all of which I hope to stay in touch with. I also managed to get a really good tan! Which, most of you know, is really hard for me to do! :)
We didn't do anything overly exciting. Just a little shopping on the islands and a lot of laying out and boozing. We went to the Senor Frogs where Natalie Halloway was last seen. Not neccesarily a tourist attraction, I know, but it was kind of wierd!
I will hopefully get some pics posted soon.

Gotta run, thought things would slow down after the holidays, but now we have to completely re-decorate the Park Bench, and take all the Christmas stuff down!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Email me and let me know how I can sign up to follow your blog. I just started a blog on here and am a bit confused.