Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Time for the Holidays!

I have gotten a few of the things fixed at my house, Still waiting on internet though! Which partly explains my delay in posts. I decorated for xmas last nite and put my new trees up, so I am pretty excited about that. I have a lot of friends coming in town for Thanksgiving so there will hopefully be a lot of ppl stopping by to see my new house.
My grandparents and my cousin Beth and Mark were in town on Saturday. It was great to see them and exciting for them to get to see the Park Bench and the bar, and of course my new house! I think Ms Lily Muffins was excited to finally meet Beth too, who she hears so much about :)

Tomorrow is the big Thanksgiving party at the bar!! I think we have a guest list of around 100, so it should be exciting!! Can't wait to see all of my friends and then all of my family on Thursday!

Hope everyone has a great and safe Thanksgiving!! Love you all!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Trouble on the Home Front

So of course, everything can't just be perfect when moving into a new house.
Problem #1 the water in my shower only seems to want to come out luke warm. Which in a way is a win lose situation. It causes me to take much faster showers, therefore getting ready faster in the morning. However, it puts me in a crabby mood!
#2 The drain in the shower is beyond clogged! By the time I am done with my quick shower, I am standing in 2-3 inches of water! Even though I have already poured a whole bottle of Drano down it.
#3 The phone jack in my living room is bad, therefore further delaying the hookup of my internet, that I have already been waiting 2 1/2 weeks for!

Luckily though, those are all just minor details. Except maybe the water thing, cold showers really, really suck!!
Hopefully I will have all these things fixed soon. I am going to buy a new TV today, I'm pretty excited. My old one has a built in VHS player, that just tells you how old it is. And it is like 2ft deep! I am hoping to get a nice flat screen.
I still plan on taking pics so I can show what the new place looks like. One of these days I will have time!! :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Things have been busier than ever b/c I have taken on a new shift at the bar. I have been waitressing lunches, until we find someone to do it. Which I think we have, however, she doesn't start for 2 weeks!
This past weekend was crazy, I think it was one of our busiest yet. It is getting into that time of year where the weekends are going to start getting busier at the bar, which is good.
I am looking forward to Thanksgiving b/c we have planned a party for all of our friends the Wed. before at the bar. My mom is a little worried though. B/c between me, my brother and Carly we have invited over 200 ppl, and the bar just isn't that big!

Things have been going well, I have been trying to put some finishing touches on my new house, picking up things I need here and there. I love it!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's Official!!

I am all moved into my new house!! YEAH! :)
I got moved in on Sunday and that was my first nite staying the nite there. It was a little different, considering I am not used to living by myself but I love it. My parents helped me move and my mom helped me decorate, it is really starting to look like home. My new couch got delivered yesterday, which filled the huge empty space in my living room, which really made things feel more cozy! Lily loves the new couch :) The only things left to do are pick up a few odds and ends and get the cable and internet hooked up, so I have something to do on those rare nites that I have off.
In other news, the Loft of Terror party at Steph and Will's was a blast! The costumes were great and we all had a little too much fun! (If that is even possible) Steph said that Kill Bill won the costume contest, but last I heard, she was the one to make that decision, while chasing Will around the stage! :) Oh well, at least we won, I think!
I have taken over my new position at the bar as bar manager, things are going well so far. And things at the Park Bench are still great. It will really start to pick up as we get into the holiday season!
Up next for me, I will be heading to Nashville in a couple weeks with Traci and her new husband, can't wait!! Never been there, heard it is great!